from flask import Response from flask import Flask from flask import render_template from flask import request from flask_socketio import SocketIO import argparse import json import struct from hidkeycodes import hidkeycodes from jskeycodes import jscodehidmap # initialize a flask object app = Flask(__name__) socketio = SocketIO(app) hiddev = None hidmouseabs = None def hid_init(): global hiddev, hidmouseabs hiddev = open('/dev/hidg0', 'rb+') hidmouseabs = open('/dev/hidg1', 'rb+') def hid_write(data): if hiddev is None: return False hiddev.write(data) hiddev.flush() def hid_mouse_writeabs(btn, x, y, wheel): if hidmouseabs is None: return False data = bytearray(6) data[0] = btn data[1:3] = x.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little') data[3:5] = y.to_bytes(2, byteorder='little') data[5] = wheel hidmouseabs.write(data) hidmouseabs.flush() def send_key(hidkey, shift, alt, ctlr, mod): data = bytearray(8) if shift: data[0] += hidkeycodes['KEY_MOD_LSHIFT'] if alt: data[0] += hidkeycodes['KEY_MOD_LALT'] if ctlr: data[0] += hidkeycodes['KEY_MOD_LCTRL'] if mod and (hidkey == hidkeycodes['KEY_MOD_LMETA'] or hidkey == hidkeycodes['KEY_MOD_RMETA']): data[0] += hidkey hidkey = 0 data[2] = hidkey hid_write(data) hid_write(bytearray(8)) def get_hid_by_jscode(rawkeycode): hidkeycode = None hidkeyname = None if rawkeycode in jscodehidmap: hidkeyname = jscodehidmap[rawkeycode] if hidkeyname in hidkeycodes: hidkeycode = hidkeycodes[hidkeyname] else: print("Code for key {} not found in HID mapping".format(hidkeyname)) else: print("Javascript code for key {} not found".format(rawkeycode)) print ("JS key: {} HID key: {}({})".format(rawkeycode, hidkeyname, hidkeycode)) return hidkeycode, (hidkeyname is not None and "MOD" in hidkeyname) @app.route("/") def index(): return render_template("hid.html") @app.route("/kvm.html") def kvm(): return render_template("kvm.html") @app.route("/mouse.html") def mouseindex(): return render_template("mouse.html") @app.route("/keyboard.html") def keyboardIndex(): return render_template("keyboard.html") @socketio.on('mouseEventRaw') def handle_mouseEvent(data): print(data) btn = data[0] x = data[1] y = data[2] wheel = data[3] print("RAW Btn: {}, X: {}, Y: {}, W: {}".format(btn, x, y, wheel)) # hid_mouse_writeabs(btn, x, y, wheel) @socketio.on('mouseEvent') def handle_mouseEvent(data): mouseevent = json.loads(data) print(mouseevent) btn = mouseevent['btn'] x = mouseevent['x'] y = mouseevent['y'] wheel = mouseevent['wheel'] wheel = wheel if wheel >= 0 else 255-abs(wheel) print("X: {}, Y: {}".format(x, y)) hid_mouse_writeabs(btn, x, y, wheel) @socketio.on('kbdEvent') def handle_kbdEvent(data): keyevent = json.loads(data) print("Raw data: {}".format(data)) rawkeycode = keyevent['code'] hidkeycode, mod = get_hid_by_jscode(rawkeycode) if hidkeycode is not None: try: send_key( hidkeycode, keyevent['shiftKey'], keyevent['altKey'], keyevent['ctrlKey'], mod) except Exception as e: print("Error sending HID message", e) hid_init() # check to see if this is the main thread of execution if __name__ == '__main__': # construct the argument parser and parse command line arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-i", "--ip", type=str, required=True, help="ip address of the device") ap.add_argument("-o", "--port", type=int, required=True, help="ephemeral port number of the server (1024 to 65535)") ap.add_argument("-f", "--frame-count", type=int, default=32, help="# of frames used to construct the background model") args = vars(ap.parse_args())["ip"], port=args["port"], debug=True, use_reloader=False)